The second installment of the Greg O’Brien series begins with Greg getting confirmation that his fiancée, Jennifer Mason, is cheating on him with her boss from work. They have a huge argument, and Greg subsequently packs an overnight bag and leaves to go to his sister Jessica’s apartment to stay the night. Meanwhile, Horace and Sasha’s wedding is scheduled to take place in two weeks at his dad’s mansion in the Hamptons, but Sasha has a gut feeling that something is terribly wrong with her cousin Ramona because they haven’t spoken in months. She then books a flight to Atlanta to check on her.
Jennifer finds out from her boss Marcus that she’s about to make partner at her firm and planned to celebrate her promotion after they finished work, but Jennifer begins to question their relationship and wants more of a commitment after she reveals that she broke up with Greg. However, Marcus tells her that he can’t leave his family at the present time, and Jennifer promptly hangs up on him. She then calls her best friend Pam to share her news and concerns over breakfast, but Pam tells her the truth about herself. Things get heated, and Pam storms out the restaurant after she tells Jennifer to lose her number. Deception is a must read if you love drama and suspense.